Alex Sandberg has advised businesses in all sectors, both multinationals and smaller companies, public and private, building their reputation and value during growth by acquisition and by geography, often with a view to attracting fresh investors. He has worked on a number of landmark M & A transactions in the UK and internationally, as well as
re-financings and IPOs.

Alex continues to advise business owners and management through his consultancy Averdant, helping companies to get the most out of their corporate communications, creating messaging and refining presentation.

"The route to maximum value may not be immediately clear, but smart preparation is consistently the difference between a pedestrian rating with limited options ... and a premium proposition with the luxury of choice. Once committed to the process, all manner of opportunities appear – just as Goethe described."

Alex founded and built international business communications consultancy College Group, leading to its sale to private equity. College Group (now renamed Instinctif) was one of the few consultancies of its kind to successfully expand out from its core skill into a wider set of board room consultancy practices, delivered internationally.

Alex retains his enthusiasm for growing businesses and continues to enjoy advising entrepreneurs and growth companies on their strategy.

Until one is committed, there is hesitancy
the chance to draw back, ineffectiveness .

Concerning all acts of initiative and
creation, there is one elemental truth, the
ignorance of which kills countless ideas and
splendid plans : that the moment one
definitely commits oneself, then
providence moves all.

All manner of things occur to help one that
would never otherwise have occurred.
A whole stream of events issue from the
decision, raising in one's favour all
manner of unforeseen incidents and
meetings and material assistance which
no man would have dreamt would
come his way.

Whatever you can do or dream you can,
begin it. Boldness has genius,
power and magic. Begin it now.

